Education Solutions

A leading education app development agency redefining learning for 10+ millions students and trainers

We have delivered customized solutions

The Case Studies

Why techmatrix?

Redefine Learning System

Trasform the conventional education system into a customized modern learning experience for your user.We offer an integrated set of eLearning elements, tools and resources that support knowledge delivery and management.


Techmatrix can make education app for,


Corporate training app

Employee engagement app

Skill boosting app

Virtual classroom and video conferencing

E learning app

Quiz and online exam app

Target DM

A complete educational portal.

Course management

Section and lesion management

Student management

Tutor management

Subscription and paymen

Class room management

Audio for course

MCQ practice

Online exam

Quiz management

Score and ranking

Result auunouncement

New course notification

Chat and discussion board

Clients Feedback


Doctor in AIMS

Everything is here including complete course management to accounting . Techmatrix you have done a really great job. Its so easy to set and so easy to use app. Will work together forever.

Our Expertise

Benefit from a reliable IT partner with expansiveknowledge and technical expertise.